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Delhi Office


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

For Tutors

How to register in your website?

Please go to "Register" and click on "Register As Tutor" option. Fill up with complete details and submit it successfully. After successful submission you will receive a confirmation mail on your mail id provided with account activation link & user id. By clicking that link your account will be activated and you are allowed to login to your account. Click on "Tutor Login" with given username, password and manage your profile (temporarily this facility is restricted and can be managed by admin only). After online registration please call us for appointment to visit our office with required document. For documents please check Terms & conditions for tutors.

Shall I need to pay to create my tutor profile?

No, You can create tutor profile for free but students can't contact free tutors directly. Free tutors will be able to see student messages through email and mobile alerts but student's contact details will not be visible.

How to get student details (leads) directly?

For getting students detail you have to check your dashboard for recent tuitions and check new tuition details and make a choice by area, class, subject, fee and timing and then click on "Open Contact Details" and then proceed to payment and tuitions' contact detail can be viewed on your dashboard.

How to make payment for tutor registration?

There is no registration fee for registering as a Tutor. (For more information please check Terms & conditions )

Shall I have to pay any extra charges to you once tuition is settled?

Yes, you have to pay 60 % of first month fee. Once you pay the amount then we will provide you more tutions. If any tuition/tuitions continue for next session then again and again you have to pay the 60% of the settled amount once in all subsequent years. (For more information please check Terms & conditions )

How often you receive leads on your website?

There is nothing fixed or sure when and how many leads you receive on our website. It totally depends on the requirement of any student/parent/client from any city / area for any class / subject / language. We do not guaranty any number of leads but can guaranty the genuinity of the leads.

What happen if we pay you to get leads from you but contact details provided by you is not working means not reachable or client is not interested to take my or any other tutors services?

For this first you have to understand that how leads are generated on our website? This is purely done by needy clients/parents/students as per their requirement. And we don't know on how many such websites they have posted their requirements and also don't know who called them first. If they find good choice from our site or any other site who contacted them early then there is possibility that they may finalise them. (So contact any client ASAP as you get contact details and fix a trial class with Student). We will provide you another leads( but money paid by you is not refundable).

Why should i pay profile deletion charges for removing my profile from your site?

Main aim of a website like us is to show/display their Tutors profile and tuition leads. Every website owner works very hard to maintain their website ranking. It involves so much of admins effort and expenses to maintain there position in Google's generic search or search result by paid advertisement through different media and none of the website charges for the same. But after doing all efforts and expenses any tutor's profile is becoming on top and then the tutor wants to remove their profile from our website then it is a total loss for website and then we try to recover a token amount from the outgoing tutor. As the profile deletion charges is fractional part of our expenses on website. We are not charging from any tutor to display their profile through our website but if you want your profile to be removed then please pay the amout for that.

Featured Tutors (Currently this feature is off)

What is Featured Tutors?

Featured Tutors is a feature on our site in which we recommend some tutors profile on the basis of the feedbacks of the previous clients or on basis of self evaluation.

How it works?

A Featured Tutor's profile will appear on Home Page of our website. If a client/parent/guardian/student wants to contact the tutor directly by email or by phone/mobile number available with us then they have to pay an amount of 500/- INR to company and could get their contact details.

Showcase (Currently this feature is off)

What is showcase?

Showcase is a feature on our site to sponsor tutors(own) profile.

How it works?

A sponsored profile will appear in top from any normal profile and an option is available for a client/parent/guardian/student to directly contact the tutor by email or by phone/mobile number available with us.

Is there any subscription charges to sponsor own profile?

Yes, there is some annual charges to sponsor a profile. Please visit Fees & Payment for these details.

Is the subscription fees charged for sponsership of a profile can be adusted against registration or commission of any tuition?

No, subscription charges is absolutely different from registration fee or commissions and can't be adjusted against them.

If a tutor gets any tuition directly via your site through sponsored link then what is the commission structure for that?

If it happens then you don't have to pay any amount as commission to us but in case a tuition or tuitions provided by us(E-hometutors.com) on phone or email then only you have to obey normal commission structure.

What is the basic difference between tuitions provided to us by e-hometutors.com and direct tuitions via sponsored profile?

The basic difference between above tuitions/assignments is that we (e-hometutors.com) often receives enquiry regarding tutor requirement online and offline and we provide tutors for them according to their need and demand in which we decide the suitability of a tutor, terms and conditions and fees on behalf of a tutor or allow our tutor to disscuss the matter and we charge normal commission for that. But, in case of tuitions via sponsored profile we do not play any active role and don't charge any commission or amount.

For Students

How to find a good Home Tutor on our website www.e-hometutors.com ?

It’s always tough to find a good home tutor. But, it’s very easy on our website www.e-hometutors.com . There are two ways to find good tuition teacher…

  1. Call us on our Mobile number 9999188435 or 9818715005 and tell us about your requirement and we will provide you a good tutor on the basis of feedbacks of previous clients.

  2. Post your requirement on our website by filling students registration form and select tutors on our website https://www.e-hometutors.com/tutorlisting.php and message us tutors Name and User Name. Though this method is a paid method in which you have to pay a nominal charge of 500/-INR in which you can get mobile number and email address of your selected tutor (up to 5 tutors).

Do I need to pay to open my student profile in your website?

No, you can create your profile absolutely free.

How much I have to pay to get tutors detail of my choice?

You have to pay 500/- INR (Five Hundred only) to get a tutors mobile number and email id of your choice. You can get maximum of 5 teacher's details by paying 1000/- INR (One Thousand Only).

Is it necessary to create my student profile to find a suitable tutor?

Yes, that will help you to get a good tutor of your exact requirement. 

What happen if we pay you to get contact details of tutors but the contact number is not working means not reachable or tutor is not interested to provide me classes or he has left this profession?

For this first you have to understand that how we get tutors details on our website? This is purely done by needy Tutors/ Teachers as per their requirement who want to teach home tuitions. And we don't know how much time he/she have free with them. We will try our best to first cross check their contact numbers but still it happens then we will provide you contact number of other tutor of your choice( but money paid by you is not refundable).